
http://underpop.online.fr 2009-09-12  

Video - Produtos - powerballcomercial


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Sionistas no comando da mídia, notícias tendenciosas, Israel

Vocês já notaram de como são tendenciosas as edições de notícias a respeito do Oriente Médio.

Sionistas espalhados pelo mundo dão o tom e comandam a máquina mediática mundial com as seguintes 12 regras:

  1. No Oriente são sempre os árabes quem atacam primeiro, e sempre é Israel quem se defende. Essa defesa chama-se "represália".
  2. Nem árabes, nem palestinos nem libaneses têm direito de matar civis. A isso chamam"terrorismo".
  3. Israel tem direito de matar civis. A isso chamam "legítima defesa".
  4. Quando Israel mata civis em massa, as potências ocidentais pedem que o faça com maior comedimento. Isso se chama "reação da comunidade internacional".
  5. Nem palestinos nem libaneses têm direito de capturar soldados israelenses dentro de instalações militares com sentinelas e postos de combate. A isso conhecem como "sequestro de pessoas indefesas".
  6. Israel tem direito de sequestrar a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar quantos palestinos e libaneses desejar. O número atual está próximo dos 10 mil, 300 dos quais são crianças e mil, mulheres. Não é necessário prova alguma de culpabilidade. Israel tem direito de manter sequestrados presos indefinidamente, já sejam autoridades democraticamente eleitas pelos palestinos. A isso chamam "prisão de terroristas".
  7. Quando se menciona a palavra "Hezbollah", é obrigatório acrescentar na mesma frase "apoiados e financiados pela Síria e pelo Irã".
  8. Quando se menciona "Israel", é terminantemente proibido acrescentar: "apoiados e financiados pelos EUA". Isso poderia dar a impressão de que o conflito é desigual e de que a existência de Israel não corre perigo.
  9. Em informações sobre Israel, há que evitar sempre que apareçam as seguintes locuções:"Territórios ocupados", "Resoluções da ONU", "Violações dos Direitos Humanos" e "Convenção de Genebra".
  10. Os palestinos, assim como os libaneses, são sempre "covardes" que se escondem entre uma população civil que "não os quer ali". Se dormem em casa com suas famílias, isso tem um nome:"covardia". Israel tem direito de aniquilar com bombas e mísseis os bairros onde dormem. A isso chamam "ação cirúrgica de alta precisão".
  11. Os israelenses falam melhor inglês, francês, castelhano ou português que os árabes. Por isso merecem ser entrevistados com maior frequência e ter mais oportunidades que os árabes para explicar ao grande público as presentes regras de redação. A isso chamam "neutralidade jornalística".
  12. Todas as pessoas que não estão de acordo com estas regras, são, e assim deve constar,"terroristas anti-semitas de alta periculosidades".

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Video - Produtos - pillbox 123


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Video - Produtos - mi 3000


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Pacote de Utilitarios Sysinternals

Descarregar o Pacote Sysinternals

A Sysinternals é uma desenvolvedora de inúmeras ferramentas para o Microsoft Windows. Começou como um portal conhecido como NT Internals que divulgava vários utilitários gratuitos para administrar e monitorar computadores com o sistema operacional da MS.

Esses softwares completam e auxiliam em muitos momentos, onde por vezes achamos que estamos numa encruzilhada. Algumas delas além de as usar como análise a cenários, já me salvaram de sarilhos maiores. Tenha-as à mão, informe-se mais sobre as suas funcionalidades, muitas delas já existem na nossa coleção de aplicações, utilize a nossa área de pesquisa e inteire-se das funcionalidades.

Em 2006, a desenvolvedora foi adquirida pela Microsoft, e agora essas ferramentas podem ser encontradas no site da empresa de Bill Gates.

Agora, dezenas dessas ferramentas estão disponíveis neste pacotão de utilidades para o Windows. Simples e direto, este pacote não contém instalação, apenas os executáveis e os arquivos de ajuda de cada aplicativo.

Uma marca característica das ferramentas da Sysinternals é de ir direto ao ponto, sem a necessidade de instalação e com a possibilidade de usá-las via linha de comando. Todos são extremamente pequenos e não ocupam quase nada de memória RAM.

São dezenas de ferramentas para resolver vários tipos de problema em seu sistema, que vão desde análise de disco rígido, arquivos, conexões de rede e internet, monitores de processos e vários outros.

Rodam desde Windows 98, NT, 2000, Millenium, XP, 2003, até o Windows Vista.
  • Sysinternals Suite
    The entire set of Sysinternals Utilities rolled up into a single download.
  • AccessChk
    v4.23 (December 19, 2008)
    This update fixes a bug that sometimes caused AccessChk to not show the full list of rights and privileged assigned to a user account.
  • AccessEnum
    1.32 (November 1, 2006)
    This simple yet powerful security tool shows you who has what access to directories, files and Registry keys on your systems. Use it to find holes in your permissions.
  • AdExplorer
    v1.2 (April 22, 2009)
    Active Directory Explorer is an advanced Active Directory (AD) viewer and editor.

  • AdInsight
    v1.01 (November 20, 2007)
    An LDAP (Light-weight Directory Access Protocol) real-time monitoring tool aimed at troubleshooting Active Directory client applications.
  • AdRestore
    v1.1 (November 1, 2006)
    Undelete Server 2003 Active Directory objects.
  • Autologon
    v2.10 (November 1, 2006)
    Bypass password screen during logon.
  • Autoruns
    v9.53 (August 12, 2009)
    See what programs are configured to startup automatically when your system boots and you login. Autoruns also shows you the full list of Registry and file locations where applications can configure auto-start settings.
  • BgInfo
    v4.15 (March 30, 2009)
    This fully-configurable program automatically generates desktop backgrounds that include important information about the system including IP addresses, computer name, network adapters, and more.
  • BlueScreen
    v3.2 (November 1, 2006)
    This screen saver not only accurately simulates Blue Screens, but simulated reboots as well (complete with CHKDSK), and works on Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Server 2003 and Windows 9x.
  • CacheSet
    v1.0 (November 1, 2006)
    CacheSet is a program that allows you to control the Cache Manager's working set size using functions provided by NT. It's compatible with all versions of NT.
  • ClockRes
    v2.0 (June 4, 2009)
    View the resolution of the system clock, which is also the maximum timer resolution.
  • Contig
    v1.55 (September 30, 2008)
    Wish you could quickly defragment your frequently used files? Use Contig to optimize individual files, or to create new files that are contiguous.
  • Coreinfo
    v1.0 (September 11, 2008)
    Coreinfo is a new command-line utility that shows you the mapping between logical processors and the physical processor, NUMA node, and socket on which they reside, as well as the cache’s assigned to each logical processor.
  • Ctrl2cap
    v2.0 (November 1, 2006)
    This is a kernel-mode driver that demonstrates keyboard input filtering just above the keyboard class driver in order to turn caps-locks into control keys. Filtering at this level allows conversion and hiding of keys before NT even "sees" them. Ctrl2cap also shows how to use NtDisplayString() to print messages to the initialization blue-screen.
  • DebugView
    v4.76 (October 16, 2008)
    Another first from Sysinternals: This program intercepts calls made to DbgPrint by device drivers and OutputDebugString made by Win32 programs. It allows for viewing and recording of debug session output on your local machine or across the Internet without an active debugger.
  • Desktops
    v1.0 (August 21, 2008)
    This new utility enables you to create up to four virtual desktops and to use a tray interface or hotkeys to preview what’s on each desktop and easily switch between them.
  • DiskExt
    v1.1 (May 14, 2007)
    Display volume disk-mappings.
  • Diskmon
    v2.01 (November 1, 2006)
    This utility captures all hard disk activity or acts like a software disk activity light in your system tray.
  • DiskView
    v2.21 (November 1, 2006)
    Graphical disk sector utility.
  • Disk Usage (DU)
    v1.33 (December 10, 2008)
    View disk usage by directory.
  • EFSDump
    v1.02 (November 1, 2006)
    View information for encrypted files.
  • Filemon
    v7.04 (November 1, 2006)
    This monitoring tool lets you see all file system activity in real-time.
  • Handle
    v3.42 (November 19, 2008)
    This handy command-line utility will show you what files are open by which processes, and much more.
  • Hex2dec
    v1.0 (November 1, 2006)
    Convert hex numbers to decimal and vice versa.
  • Junction
    v1.05 (July 24, 2007)
    Create Win2K NTFS symbolic links.
  • LDMDump
    v1.02 (November 1, 2006)
    Dump the contents of the Logical Disk Manager's on-disk database, which describes the partitioning of Windows 2000 Dynamic disks.
  • ListDLLs
    v2.25 (November 1, 2006)
    List all the DLLs that are currently loaded, including where they are loaded and their version numbers. Version 2.0 prints the full path names of loaded modules.
  • LiveKd
    v3.0 (November 1, 2006)
    Use Microsoft kernel debuggers to examine a live system.
  • LoadOrder
    v1.0 (November 1, 2006)
    See the order in which devices are loaded on your WinNT/2K system.
  • LogonSessions
    v1.0 (November 1, 2006)
    List the active logon sessions on a system.
  • MoveFile
    v1.0 (November 1, 2006)
    Allows you to schedule move and delete commands for the next reboot.
  • NewSID
    v4.10 (November 1, 2006)
    Learn about the computer SID problem everybody has been talking about and get a free computer SID changer, NewSID.
  • NTFSInfo
    v1.0 (November 1, 2006)
    Use NTFSInfo to see detailed information about NTFS volumes, including the size and location of the Master File Table (MFT) and MFT-zone, as well as the sizes of the NTFS meta-data files.
  • PageDefrag
    v2.32 (November 1, 2006)
    Defragment your paging files and Registry hives.
  • PendMoves
    v1.1 (November 1, 2006)
    Enumerate the list of file rename and delete commands that will be executed the next boot.
  • PipeList
    (November 1, 2006)
    Displays the named pipes on your system, including the number of maximum instances and active instances for each pipe.
  • PortMon
    v3.02 (November 1, 2006)
    Monitor serial and parallel port activity with this advanced monitoring tool. It knows about all standard serial and parallel IOCTLs and even shows you a portion of the data being sent and received. Version 3.x has powerful new UI enhancements and advanced filtering capabilities.
  • ProcDump
    v1.4 (August 17, 2009)
    This new command-line utility is aimed at capturing process dumps of otherwise difficult to isolate and reproduce CPU spikes. It also serves as a general process dump creation utility and can also monitor and generate process dumps when a process has a hung window or unhandled exception.
  • Process Explorer
    v11.33 (February 4, 2009)
    Find out what files, registry keys and other objects processes have open, which DLLs they have loaded, and more. This uniquely powerful utility will even show you who owns each process.
  • Process Monitor
    v2.6 (August 12, 2009)
    Monitor file system, Registry, process, thread and DLL activity in real-time.
  • ProcFeatures
    v1.10 (November 1, 2006)
    This applet reports processor and Windows support for Physical Address Extensions and No Execute buffer overflow protection.
  • PsExec
    v1.96 (July 1, 2009)
    Execute processes with limited-user rights.
  • PsFile
    v1.02 (December 4, 2006)
    See what files are opened remotely.
  • PsGetSid
    v1.43 (December 4, 2006)
    Displays the SID of a computer or a user.
  • PsInfo
    v1.75 (July 9, 2007)
    Obtain information about a system.
  • PsKill
    v1.12 (December 4, 2006)
    Terminate local or remote processes.
  • PsList
    v1.28 (December 4, 2006)
    Show information about processes and threads.
  • PsLoggedOn
    v1.33 (December 4, 2006)
    Show users logged on to a system.
  • PsLogList
    v2.7 (May 7, 2009)
    Dump event log records.
  • PsPasswd
    v1.22 (December 4, 2006)
    Changes account passwords.
  • PsService
    v2.22 (January 11, 2008)
    View and control services.
  • PsShutdown
    v2.52 (December 4, 2006)
    Shuts down and optionally reboots a computer.
  • PsSuspend
    v1.06 (December 4, 2006)
    Suspend and resume processes.
  • PsTools
    (July 1, 2009)
    The PsTools suite includes command-line utilities for listing the processes running on local or remote computers, running processes remotely, rebooting computers, dumping event logs, and more.
  • RegDelNull
    v1.10 (November 1, 2006)
    Scan for and delete Registry keys that contain embedded null-characters that are otherwise undeleteable by standard Registry-editing tools.
  • RegJump
    v1.01 (November 1, 2006)
    Jump to the registry path you specify in Regedit.
  • RegMon
    v7.04 (November 1, 2006)
    This monitoring tool lets you see all Registry activity in real-time.
  • RootkitRevealer
    v1.71 (November 1, 2006)
    Scan your system for rootkit-based malware.
  • SDelete
    v1.51 (November 1, 2006)
    Securely overwrite your sensitive files and cleanse your free space of previously deleted files using this DoD-compliant secure delete program.
  • ShareEnum
    v1.6 (November 1, 2006)
    Scan file shares on your network and view their security settings to close security holes.
  • ShellRunas
    v1.01 (February 28, 2008)
    Launch programs as a different user via a convenient shell context-menu entry.
  • Sigcheck
    v1.6 (March 2, 2009)
    Dump file version information and verify that images on your system are digitally signed.
  • Streams
    v1.56 (April 27, 2007)
    Reveal NTFS alternate streams.
  • Strings
    v2.41 (March 2, 2009)
    Search for ANSI and UNICODE strings in binaryimages.
  • Sync
    v2.0 (November 1, 2006)
    Flush cached data to disk.
  • TCPView
    v2.54 (March 17, 2009)
    Active socket command-line viewer.
  • VMMap
    v2.2 (July 23, 2009)
    VMMap is a process virtual and physical memory analysis utility.
  • VolumeId
    v2.0 (November 1, 2006)
    Set Volume ID of FAT or NTFS drives.
  • Whois
    v1.01 (November 1, 2006)
    See who owns an Internet address.
  • WinObj
    v2.15 (November 1, 2006)
    The ultimate Object Manager namespace viewer is here.
  • ZoomIt
    v4.0 (August 5, 2009)
    Presentation utility for zooming and drawing on the screen.

A suíte da Sysinternals é um pacote de pequenos aplicativos para MS Windows, desenvolvido pela Sysinternals e posteriormente comprado pela Microsoft. São bastantes leves e úteis, por este motivo vários usuários desfrutam dos recursos da suíte, em especial administradores de redes e outros profissionais de tecnologia.

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Password Recovery Utilities The utilities provided in the following section are for password recovery and educational purposes only. They are not intended to be used for illegal purposes.
MessenPass v1.26 - Instant Messenger Password Recovery
MessenPass is a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords of the following instant messenger applications: MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger (In Windows XP), Windows Live Messenger (In Windows XP And Vista), Yahoo Messenger (Version 5.x/6.x), ICQ Lite 4.x/5.x/2003, AOL Instant Messenger, AIM 6.x, AIM Pro, Trillian, Miranda, and GAIM.
Asterisk Logger v1.04
Automatically reveals the passwords stored behind the asterisks ('***') in standard password text-boxes of Windows.
Dialupass v3.02 - Dialup Password Recovery
This utility enumerates all dialup/VPN entries on your computers, and displays their logon details: User Name, Password, and Domain. You can use it to recover a lost password of your Internet connection or VPN.
Dialupass also allows you to save the dialup/VPN list into text/html/csv/xml file, or copy it to the clipboard.
Protected Storage PassView v1.63
This utility reveals the passwords stored on your computer by Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and POP3 accounts of MS-Outlook. The passwords are revealed by reading the information from the Protected Storage.
IE PassView v1.16
IE PassView is a small utility that reveals the passwords stored by Internet Explorer browser. It supports the new Internet Explorer 7.0/8.0, as well as older versions of Internet explorer, v4.0 - v6.0
PasswordFox v1.11
PasswordFox is a small password recovery tool that allows you to view the user names and passwords stored by Mozilla Firefox Web browser. By default, PasswordFox displays the passwords stored in your current profile, but you can easily select to watch the passwords of any other Firefox profile. For each password entry, the following information is displayed: Record Index, Web Site, User Name, Password, User Name Field, Password Field, and the Signons filename.
ChromePass v1.05
ChromePass is a small password recovery tool that allows you to view the user names and passwords stored by Google Chrome Web browser. For each password entry, the following information is displayed: Origin URL, Action URL, User Name Field, Password Field, User Name, Password, and Created Time. You can select one or more items and then save them into text/html/xml file or copy them to the clipboard.
Network Password Recovery v1.20
When you connect to a network share on your LAN or to your .NET Passport/Messenger account, Windows XP/Vista allows you to save your password in order to use it in each time that you connect the remote server. This utility recovers all network passwords stored on your system for the current logged-on user.
AsterWin IE v1.03
This utility reveals the passwords stored behind the asterisks in the web pages of Internet Explorer 5.0 and above. You can use it for recovering a lost web site password, if it's stored on your computer.
It was developed in Visual Basic environment and requires the Visual Basic Runtime library.
Source code is included !
Mail PassView v1.51 - Email Password Recovery
Recovers the passwords and other email accounts information of the following email applications: Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook 2000 (POP3/SMTP Accounts only), Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003/2007, Windows Mail, IncrediMail, Eudora, Netscape Mail, Mozilla Thunderbird, Group Mail Free, and Web-based email accounts.
PstPassword v1.12
PstPassword is a small utility that recover lost password of Outlook .PST (Personal Folders) file.
WirelessKeyView v1.27
WirelessKeyView recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer by the 'Wireless Zero Configuration' service of Windows XP and by the 'WLAN AutoConfig' service of Windows Vista. It allows you to easily save all keys to text/html/xml file, or copy a single key to the clipboard.
Remote Desktop PassView v1.01
Remote Desktop PassView is a small utility that reveals the password stored by Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection utility inside .rdp files.
LSASecretsView v1.20
LSASecretsView is a small utility that displays the list of all LSA secrets stored in the Registry on your computer. The LSA secrets key is located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policy\Secrets and may contain your RAS/VPN passwords, Autologon password, and other system passwords/keys.
LSASecretsDump v1.20
LSASecretsDump is a small console application that extract the LSA secrets from the Registry, decrypt them, and dump them into the console window. The LSA secrets key is located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policy\Secrets and may contain your RAS/VPN passwords, Autologon password, and other system passwords/keys.
This utility is the console version of LSASecretsView.
PCAnywhere PassView v1.11
Reveals the passwords stored in PCAnywhere items. Both login information and the protection passwords are revealed instantly.
Access PassView v1.12
This utility reveals the database password of every password-protected mdb file that created with Microsoft Access 95/97/2000/XP or with Jet Database Engine 3.0/4.0
It can be very useful if you forgot your Access Database password and you want to recover it.
Win9x PassView v1.1
The Win9x PassView utility reveals the passwords stored on your computer by Windows 95/98 operating system.
Content Advisor Password Remover v1.01
Removes the Content Advisor password in Internet Explorer (versions 4.x and above).
Visual C++ Source code is included.
Enterprise Manager PassView v1.00
Reveals the passwords that SQL Server Enterprise Manager stores on your computer.
AsterWin v1.20
This utility reveals the passwords stored behind the asterisks in standard password text-boxes.
It supports the following operating systems: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
VNCPassView v1.02
VNCPassView is a small utility that recover the passwords stored by the VNC tool. It can recover 2 of passwords: password stored for the current logged-on user (HKEY_CURRENT_USER in the Registry), and password stored for the all users.



Video - Produtos - mg 20


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Video - Produtos - mg 150f


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Video - Produtos - mc 4000


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Video - Produtos - man 100


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