
http://underpop.online.fr 2004-06-14  

XOOPS 2.0.7 lançado

Foi lançada a versão 2.0.7 do XOOPS, e corrige numerosos bugs reportados desde a versão 2.0.6 e 2 bugs importantes relacionados à segurança. Por isso, é [color=FF3333]altamente recomendável[/color] à todos os usuários da versão 2.0.X que seja feita a atualização à esta versão.
Os pacotes podem ser baixados dos servidores do sourceforge:
- [url=https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=41586&package_id=72954&release_id=241280]Pacote completo do XOOPS 2.0.7[/url].
- [url=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=41586&package_id=72954&release_id=214233]Atualização do XOOPS 2.0.6 --> 2.0.7[/url]

A notícia original pode ser vista [url=http://www.xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1551]aqui[/url].

ChangeLog (contributed changes are marked coredev/contributor)
[color=FF3333]SECURITY FIX !! preventing code injection in media uploader[/color] (skalpa)
[color=FF3333]SECURITY FIX !! preventing execution of external scripts in shared environments[/color] (skalpa/ackbarr)

Fixed bug #963937: Typo in modules/system/admin/findusers/main.php (mithrandir/tom_g3x)
Fixed typo in x2t theme css colteaser class definition (w4z004)
Set formButton class to XOOPS popups buttons (w4z004)
Fixed bug #960970: Incorrect display of the graphical pagenav (w4z004)
Modified the Word Censoring fix (#962025) for MySQL 4.x compat (skalpa + quick thx 2 hervet 4 help)
Ensured page title and slogan are escaped for HTML (onokazu)
Fixed bug #961565: Search form keywords not checked by JS (mithrandir/tom_g3x)
Fixed bug #961118 in XoopsFormElementTray::getElements() (mithrandir/luckec)
Fixed bug #961311: Incorrect definition of headers var in XoopsMailer class (mithrandir/tom_g3x)
XoopsForm::assign() now indexes elements by name if possible (mithrandir/kerkness)
Fixed bug #963197: xoopsHiddenText is hardcoded in formdhtmlarea (mithrandir/tom_g3x)
Fixed bug #963301: XoopsMediaUploader checkMaxHeight() doesn't work (skalpa/onokazu)
Fixed bug #963327: XoopsImageHandler delete() keeps rows in imagebody table (skalpa/tom_g3x)
Fixed bug #962025: Word censoring can mess db config options up (skalpa/tom_g3x)
Fixed bug #961313: XoopsMailer custom headers are duplicated (skalpa/tom_g3x)
Fixed bug #960683:

 wrong translation (skalpa/ryuji+gi_joe)
Fixed snoopy bug due to language specific characters (onokazu)
Fixed a bug preventing deletion of users from the admin user search results (onokazu)
Fixed a bug preventing deletion of admin users (onokazu)
Fixed bug #915976: module onInstall feature doesn't display module messages correctly (skalpa/feugy+dave_l)
Fixed bug #898776: XOOPS module resolution for www.host.com and host.com (wulff_dk)
Fixed bug #906282: XoopsGroupPermForm::render() - throws Undefined variable (mithrandir)
Fixed bug #946621: Comments system extra_param not working with register_globals off (mithrandir/gstarrett)
Fixed bug #932200: Admin > Edit user shows wrong username (mithrandir)
Fixed bug #936753: $xoops_module_header not in all themes (w4z004)
Fixed bug #921930: SQL queries with leading whitespace don't work (mithrandir)
Fixed bug #920480: xoops_substr always adds three dots (skalpa)
Fixed bug #921448: Undefined variable in xoopscodes.php (skalpa/dave_l)
Applied patch #953063: js Calendar first popup date bug fix (mithrandir/venezia)
Applied patch #953060: xoopstree.php selbox - subcategories not ordered (mithrandir/venezia)
Applied patch #928503: Only show search results for modules with granted permissions (mithrandir/malanciault)
Fixed bug #922152 preventing notifications to work with some Windows configurations (skalpa/robekras)
Fixed bug #930351 preventing XoopsThemeForm::insertBreak() to work
Corrected the content of $xoopsRequestUri on IIS fixing bug #895984 (skalpa)

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