[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]

managing: list elements
    lists: managing elements
        list elements: managing 
mask characters
    characters: mask
        text input: masking  2nd 
maximum values, gauges
    gauges: maximum values of 
memory: forms and
    forms: memory use 
messaging function group
    function groups: messaging 
MIDlet suites 
    information about 
    JAD file 
    personal storage areas 
    updating  2nd  3rd 
MIDlet suites: definition
    suites, MIDlet.  [See MIDlet suites[suites, MIDlet: aaa]]
MIDlet suites: installing
    installing MIDlet suites:  [See MIDlet suites, installing[installing MIDlet suites]]
    installing MIDlet suites: security and
        security: installing MIDlet suites  2nd 
    messages, error
        error messages 
    MIDlet suites: updating 
MIDlet suites: launching
    launching: MIDlet suites 
MIDlet suites: push functionality
    push functionality: designing for
        designing: for push functionality[designing:push] 
MIDlet suites: reinstalling
    reinstalling MIDlet suites 
MIDlet suites: removing
    removing MIDlet suites 
MIDlet suites: stopping installation
    MIDlet suites: installing
        stopping installation 
MIDlet suites: updating
    updating: MIDlet suites 
    apps. See: app design[apps. See:aab]  [See also app design[MIDlets: aab]]
MIDlets: installing
    installing MIDlets 
MIDlets: naming
    MIDlet suites: naming 
MIDlets: returning through
    going back, through MIDlets
        backing up, through MIDlets; returning, through MIDlets 
MIDlets: sharing push connections
    push functionality: sharing connections
        sharing push connections 
MIDP app management
    icons  2nd 
    managing: MIDP apps 
    using native 
MIDP implementor responsibilities
    abstract commands 
    command labels 
MIDP implementor responsibilities: choice groups
    choice groups: MIDP implementor responsibilities for 
MIDP implementor responsibilities: custom items
    custom items: MIDP implementor responsibilities for 
MIDP implementor responsibilities: date field
    date field: MIDP implementor responsibilities for 
MIDP implementor responsibilities: displayables
    displayables: MIDP implementor responsibilities for 
MIDP implementor responsibilities: forms
    forms: MIDP implementor responsibilities for 
MIDP implementor responsibilities: lists
    lists: MIDP implementor responsibilities for 
MIDP implementor responsibilities: security
    security: MIDP implementor responsibilities for 
MIDP implementor responsibilities: string items
    string items: MIDP implementor responsibilities for 
MIDP implementor responsibilities: text boxes
    text boxes: MIDP implementor responsibilities for 
MIDP implementor responsibilities: text fields
    text fields: MIDP implementor responsibilities for 
MIDP implementors  [See also policies[MIDP implementors]]
MIDP implementors: definition
    implementors, MIDP.  [See MIDP implementors]
MIDP implementors: policy of
    policies: item sizes 
MIDP: characteristics of
    characteristics: of MIDP  2nd 
MIDP: device integration and
    integrating, MIDP and devices
        devices: integrating MIDP with  2nd  3rd 
MIDP: device-specific implementations
    devices: MIDP implementations for 
MIDP: environment characteristics
    characteristics: of MIDP environment
        environment: characteristics of MIDP  2nd 
MIDs: definition
    mobile information devices.  [See MIDs]
MIDs: displays
    displays:minimum requirements of
        requirements:of displays 
MIDs: hardware characteristics
    characteristics: of MID hardware
        requirements: hardware 
MIDs: memory
    memory:minimum requirements for
        requirements: memory 
MIDs: networking
    networking:minimum requirements for
        requirements: networking 
MIDs: sound
    sound, minimum requirements for
        requirements: sound 
MIDs\: platform characteristics
    platform characteristics
        characteristics\: of MID platforms 
minimizing: delays
    delays, minimizing 
minimizing: interruptions
    interruptions: minimizing user 
minimizing: navigation
    navigation: minimizing 
Mobile Information Device Profile.  [See MIDP]
mock-ups: app
    app design: creating mock-ups
        creating mock-ups 
mock-ups\: SmartTicket
    SmartTicket\: movies screen\: mock-up
        movies screen\: mock up 
    SmartTicket\: splash screen\: mock-up
        splash screen\: mock-up 
modal alerts
    alerts: modal 
modal alerts: language in
    alerts: language in modal
        language: in modal alerts[language:modal] 
modifiers  2nd 
    text boxes:
        text fields:   [See also modifiers[text boxes:aab]]
movies screen
    SmartTicket\: movies screen 
multimedia recording function group
    function groups: multimedia recording
multiple-choice lists  2nd 
    lists:  [See also multiple-choice lists[lists:aab]]
multiple-choice: choice group
    choice groups: multiple-choice 
multiple-choice:choice group
    form items: multiple-choice group 
