WAR class loader, 586 warnings SQLWarning class, 323 WARs, 584 compared to EJB JAR files, 595 description, 584 EAR deployment, 584 packaging sample apps, 594 WAS Tool, 617 configuring, 617 sample app performance, 644 using, 618 view performance, 664 web site, 107 Web app Stress Tool see WAS Tool. web apps business component interface architecture, 28-30 integrating web app into overall architecture, 465 stress tests, 110 view technologies, 515 Web Archives see WARs. web caching using HTTP browser caching, 666 cache control HTTP headers, 666 javax.servlet.http package, 668 MVC web frameworks, 669 proxy caches, 666 revalidation, 667 use HTTP POST for web caches, 667 web tier performance, 666 web interfaces see also web tier. designing, 441 problems with, 442 load testing, 107 sample app, 467 testing, 100-105 user input, processing, 492 data binding, 492 data validation, 496 Web Services Developer Pack web sites, 19 web specific issues testing, 100 web test tools Apache JMeter, 617 Grinder, 617 performance testing, 617 WAS Tool, 617 web tier see also web interfaces. data access, 276 designing, 441 clean web tier, 447 Java web development, 443 MVC (Model View Controller) pattern, 448 principles of design, 447 thin web tier, 447 performance, 663 edge site caching, 671 view performance, 664 web caching using HTTP. 666 sample app, 467 implementing web tier, 506 request handling, 508 session management, 488 using browser, 490 using J2EE server, 488 unit tests of web tier components, 101 web tier configuration proprietary deployment descriptors, 599 web.xml, 599 web.xml configuring ContextLoaderServlet class, 479 configuring ControllerServlet class, 472 <servlet-mapping> element, 472 web tier configuration, 599 WebappContext interface, com.interface21.web.context package, 466, 478 WebContentGenerator class,com.interface21.web.servlet.mvc package cacheForSeconds() method, 671 WebLogic newsgroups choosing app server, 53 WebLogic servers exclusive and database locking, 302 read-only locking, 303 scalability, 208 SFSB (stateful session beans) replication, 368 in-memory replication, using, 368 WebMacro, 545 compared to FreeMarker, 551 compared to JSP pages, 545 compared to Velocity, 546 syntax, 545 template selection servlet, 453 view technologies, 545 WebMacroView class, com.interface21.web.servlet.view.webmacro package, 546, 707 WebSphere EJB container inheritance, 299 WebWork advantages, 464 Command design pattern and, 463 compared to Maverick, 464 compared to Struts, 464 description, 463 disadvantages, 464 integrating web app into overall architecture, 465 MVC web frameworks, 463 webwork.action package, 463 Action interface, 463 ActionContext class, 464 ResultException, 464 webwork.action.factory package, 464 ActionFactory class, 464 ParameterActionFactoryProxy class, 464 webwork.dispatcher package, 464 ServletDispatcher class, 464 welcome screen sample app user interface, 188 white box testing assertions compared, 108 definition, 75 effect of testing on writing code, 91 HttpUnit approach, 104 whitespace avoiding NullPointerExceptions, 157 WinCvs version control, 67 workflow sample app user interface, 184 wrapping exceptions checked exceptions, 126 writeExternal() method, Externalizable interface, 661 writeObject() method custom serialization, 661