
IndexA Guide to the Index

The index is arranged hierarchically, in alphabetical order, with symbols preceding the letter A. Most second-level entries and many third-level entries also occur as first-level entries. This is to ensure that users will find the information they require however they choose to search for it.

abstract classes, 116 exceptions, 129 sub-classing, 155 abstract methods exception handling, 131 final methods, 154 onlnit() method, 154 overriding, 154 protected modifier, 151 Template Method design pattern, 117 abstract superclasses, 410 EJBs deriving from, 410 AbstractEnterpriseBean root superclass, 411 getBeanFactory() method, 412 AbstractSessionBean subclass, 413 AbstractStatelessSessionBean subclass, 414 business method interface example, 414 class hierarchy, UML diagram, 410 ejbActivate/~ Passivate() invocation on SLSB, impossible, 414 ejbCreate() defined as abstract, 414 goals, superclasses, 410 MDBs, 415 logging, 163 Template Method design pattern, 117, 118 abstract test cases, 87 implementation example, 90 protected abstract method definition, 89 AbstractCommandController class, com.interface21.web.servlet.mvc package, 480 AbstractController class, com.interface21.web.servlet.mvc package, 480, 481 handleRequest() method, 482 Template Method design pattern, 482 abstraction layer code portability, 264 designing apps for portability, 39 JDBC abstraction framework, 324 com.interface21.jdbc.core package, 333 com.interface21.jdbc.object package, 333, 342 AbstractPdfView class, com.interface21.web.servlet.view.pdf package, 572, 687 buildPdfDocument() method, 573, 707 implementing, 706 renderMergedOutputModel() method, 706 Template Method design pattern, 706 AbstractTest class, com.interface21.load package, 620 runPass() method, 621 setFixture() method, 620 synchronization testing, 648 AbstractView class, com.interface21.web.servlet.view package, 477, 576, 687 onSetContext() method, 704 render() method, 687 renderMergedOutputModel() method, 687 Template Method design pattern, 687 AbstractXmlcView class, com.interface21.web.servlet.view.xmlc package, 568, 687 implementing, 704 onSetContext() method, 704 renderMergedOutputModel() method, 704 Template Method design pattern, 704 acceptance testing associated integration testing, 92 definition, 75 web interfaces, 104, 105 accessing data see data access accessing EJBs, 417 Business Delegate pattern, using, 423 direct EJB access, disadavantages, 417 JMS, using, 425 local vs. remote access, 417 local-remote transparency, avoiding, 418 Service Locator pattern, using, 418 transparent dynamic proxy, using, 422 Action class, org.apache.struts.action package, 458 execute() method, 458 Action interface, webwork.action package, 463 execute() method, 463 ActionContext class, webwork.action package, 464 getContext() method, 464 ActionFactory class, webwork.action.factory package, 464 ActionForm class, org.apache.struts.action package, 458 validate() method, 459 ActionServlet class, org.apache.struts.action package, 458 adapter beans smart model objects, 526 addProperty/addVetoableChangeListener() methods, BeanWrapper, 399 administrators sample app, 182 afterCompletion() method, SessionSynchronization, 370 afterPropertiesSet() method, InitializingBean, 405 implementation example, 405 Akamai edge site caching, 671 Ant build tool, 84, 90 automating testing, 107 build utilities, 65 deploying apps, 600, 608 generating XMLC object, 567 list of flags, 567 installing Domify open source project, 696 installing service definition files, 604 packaging sample apps, 594 testing database interaction, 99 web site, 65 Apache JMeter, 617, 619 app context object see app registry. app exceptions, 380 EJB handling, 380 exceptions, listing, 381 app partitioning, 655 distributed architecture performance, 612 guidelines for using, 656 minimizing remote calls, 655 moving data to operation, 656 moving operation to data, 656 app registry, 140 avoiding singletons, 139 00 design principles summarized, 174 app server, choosing, 45-55 common mistakes, 54 comparison web site, 50 costs, 45, 50 deployment, 51 development, 51 different features, 52 evaluation criteria, 48-54 JBoss server, 601 newsgroups, 53 outside experience, 53 performance and scalability problems, 630 process, 54 requirement definition, 47 skills, availability of, 53 specification versions, 48 Sun resources, 48 timing, 46 tuning server, 630 vendor issues, 50 app.xml file EAR deployment, 584 appContext interface, com.Interface21.context, 406 appContextAware interface, beans accessing app context, 407 functionality, describing, 406 infrastructure framework using, 406 XmlWebappContext implementation, 407 hierarchy mechanism, 408 methods, listing, 407 parent context, null/NOT ~, 408 appContextAware Interface, com.Interface21.context package, 481 appException class exception handling, 321 architectures, 15-41 distributed app with remote EJBs, 32-34 distributed architecture, 204-9 app with remote EJBs, 32-34 caching, 245 deployment flexibility, 19 exchanging data, 265 performance, 612, 653 pros and cons, 18 reasons for implementing, 204 reliability, 206 scalability, 205 stateful business objects, 207 using distributed architecture, 18 using EJBs, 20, 209 enterprise architecture goals, 16-17 J2EE apps, 26-35 non-distributed architecture, 28 sample app, 209, 248 scalable and robust architectures, 207 web app accessing local EJBs, 30-32 web app exposing web services interface, 34-35 web app with business component interface, 28-30 web tier design, 35-38 arrays collections usage compared, 157 summarized, 176 Aspect Oriented Programming dynamic proxies, 138 web sites, 138 assertions assertion methods for test cases, 80 failed assertions, 80 history of concept, 108 invariants, 109 Java 1.4 assertion mechanism, 108 JUnit test cases, 104 multiple assertions, 81 test cases compared, 108 testing, 108 testing assertions, 80 asynchronous calling see messaging. attributes, CMT, 382 EJB attributes, listing, 382 Mandatory, 382, 386 Never, 382, 386 NotSupported, 382, 386 Required, 382 RequiresNew, 386 Supports, 382, 386 authentication, 235 see also security. basic authentication, 236 deploying apps, 597 form based authentication, 236 lazy authentication, 236 server implementation, 237 authorization, 235 see also security. EJBs, 213 AvallabilityQuery class execute() method, 326 JDBC abstraction framework, 326 Avalon, Apache infrastructure, support packages for, 402