Assigning an Overall Page Quality Rating

Each page quality task begins with a click on the task URL. Page quality rating is a series of steps, including examining both the landing page and the website it belongs to.

Which questions are most important? How do you combine your responses into an overall PQ rating?

As with the rest of these guidelines, the answer depends on the purpose of the page and type of website. You will have to use your judgment to combine all that you learned about the page and the website into one overall page quality rating. In this section, we'll give you some guidance and some examples.

Remember: In order to give an overall rating above Medium, every aspect of page and website quality you look at must be medium or high. If any aspect of quality seems low, whether the aspect pertains to the page or the website, choose a lower overall rating.

Highest Quality Pages
High Quality Pages
Medium Quality Pages
Low Quality Pages
Lowest Quality Pages

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