Article Attributions and Introductions
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Use the provided template codes to set up your attributions and introductions.
· Follow up Introduction - These are follow ups to Usenet Articles
· Reply Introduction - Replies by e-mail
· CC to author - This is text that is inserted at the top of a follow-up article when you choose to CC a copy to the author or if you copy yourself on replies or follow ups.
Ø Tip: The default CC introduction is [This followup was posted to %g and a copy was sent to the cited author]. Leave the CC introduction blank if you do not want any CC text included in the article.
If we enter the following one line text string in the Follow up Introduction (it appears wrapped but must be entered on one line):
On the date %d,%b%n, whose email address is <%a>,%bwrote 100%% nonsense in the newsgroup "%g",%bArticle message-ID %i%b
In the follow-up text we see:
On the date Sat, 28 Nov 2009 10:02:34 -0500 , Tom B. , whose email address is < gravity@test.invalid >, wrote 100 % nonsense in the newsgroup " alt.test ", Article message-ID <MPG.257b059676bb4a769896be@> > quoted text follows