UncategorizedDataAccessException class JDBC abstraction framework, 329 unchecked exceptions checked exceptions compared, 127 exception handling, 125 OO design principles summarized, 173 Unified Software Development Process risk management, 68 unique ID generation, 27 unique keys see primary keys. unit testing, 78-90 approach and benefits, 77 definition, 75 ease of running, 110 effect on coding style, 91 implications on coding style, 91 JSP pages, 101 main() method approach, 79 testing web specific issues, 101 web interfaces, 105 web tier components, 101 XP approach to testing, 77 unmarshaling RMI (Remote Method Invocation), 653 update() method, JdbcTemplate class, 339 performing updates, 341 update() method, SqlUpdate class, 347 performing updates, 350 UrlHandlerMapping class, com.interface21.web.servlet package, 473 user input, processing data binding, 492 data validation, 496 DefaultUserValidator class, 499 sample app, 498 error messages, 494 web interfaces, 492 user interface, box office users sample app, 198 user interface, public internet users error handling, 185 sample app, 183 screens, 185 book seats screen, 191 confirm reservation screen, 196 display show screen, 189 payment details screen, 194 show reservation screen, 192 welcome screen, 188 workflow, 184 users, sample app, 180 administrators, 182 box office users, 181 user interface, 198 public internet users, 180 user interface, 183 util.concurrent package web site, 23