<i21:bind> element, 495 value attribute, 495 <i21:hasBindErrors> element, 495 Id attribute <jsp: useBean> element, 531 idempotent methods SLSB (stateless session beans) benefits, 364 IDEs choosing development tools, 64 if/else statements reflection, 133 If-Modified-Since header cache control HTTP headers, 667 IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) using EJBs, 22 Impedance mismatch O/R mapping, 255 stored procedures, RDBMS, 260 Implementing EJBs, 410 abstract superclasses, deriving EJBs from, 410 SessionBean, implementing, 413 INFO log level constant, 163 Infrastructure, app, 394 framework, using, 396 app components, configuring, 396 app context, defining, 406 bean factory, using, 401 BoxOffice/Calendar objects as singletons, disadavantages, 401 extensible & easy to use, requirements, 396 JavaBeans, using, 397 testing, 408 UML class diagram, 409 goals of, 395 NOT web-centric, reasons for, 396 sources for, listing, 394 support packages for, 394 comparing, 402 Inheritance see also concrete inheritance. see also interface inheritance. concrete inheritance, 115 context object, 140 O/R mapping limitations, 299 object composition or class inheritance, 115 singletons, 140 writing effective tests, 87 InitializingBean Interface,com.interface21.beans.factory, 405 afterPropertiesSet() method, 405 bean callback after all properties set, 405 In-memory replication, 368 WebLogic server using, SFSB, 368 consequences, 368 Inner classes, 152 Inner Interfaces, 152 Instance variables coding standards, 145 documentation, 159 protected and package protected, 150 Instrumenting code, 160 summarized, 176 Integrated enterprise apps class loading in J2EE and, 587 Integration testing components, 92 Intelligent keys, 270 Interface Inheritance, 116 concrete inheritance, 115 Interfaces see also remote interfaces. business interfaces, 28 checked exceptions, 127 coding standards, 145 context object, 140 disadvantages of EJBs, 214 documentation, 159 entity beans, concerns, 286 inner interfaces, 152 loose coupling, 115 OO design advantages, 115 OO design principles summarized, 172 protecting interface code, 131 singletons, 140 writing effective tests, 86 Internal state SLSB (stateless session beans) maintaining, 365 InternalPathMethodNameResolver class, com.Interface21.web.servlet.mvc.multication package, 485 InternalResourceView class, com.Interface21.web.servlet.view package, 476, 538, 576, 686 exposeModelsAsRequestAttributes() method, 690 implementing, 689 JSP views, 691 render() method, 477 renderMergedOutputModel() method, 689 Internet users see public internet users. InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException class JDBC abstraction framework, 329 InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException class JDBC abstraction framework, 329 Invariants see under assertions. Inversion of control JDBC abstraction framework, 334 parameterizing single operation, 120 Template Method design pattern, 117 invoke() method, Method class, 645 reflection, 642 IsReadableProperty() method, BeanWrapper, 399 iText generating PDF with iText, 571, 705 installing, 705