Rating Examples with User Location, Explicit Location, and Local Intent

Query, Explicit and User Locations, User Intent

LP of the Result Block, Result Block, Utility Rating


Query: [chinese restaurants], English (US)

Explicit LocationNone

User Location: Mountain View, California

User Intent: This query has local intent. The user wants to find Chinese restaurants in the city of Mountain View, California.

Landing page link:

This LP is a fairly comprehensive list of Chinese restaurants in Mountain View. Many restaurants on the list have reviews. There is a map and features to narrow down the restaurants to certain categories.

Landing page link:

This landing page is the website of Hunan Chili, a Chinese restaurant in the user location.

Landing page link: LP

This landing page is for a Chinese restaurant in Chicago. It is unlikely users in Mountain View would find this helpful.

Query, Explicit and User Locations, User Intent

LP of the Result Block, Result Block, Utility Rating


Query: [pizza], English (US)

Explicit LocationNone

User Location: Mountain View, California

User Intent: Most users want to find a pizza place nearby.

This query has clear local intent, whether or not the task has a user location.

Landing page link: LP

This is a popular pizza shop in Mountain View, CA.

Landing page link: LP

This is one of many pizza shops in Mountain View, CA.

Landing page link: LP

This is a pizza shop in Los Angeles, which is about 350 miles from Mountain View.

This result is unhelpful for this query.

Landing page link: LP

Most users are looking for a pizza shop nearby.

Finding pizza information is a less likely user intent.

Query, Explicit and User Locations, User Intent

LP of the Result Block, Result Block, Utility Rating


Query: [target], English (US)

Explicit LocationNone

User Location: None

User Intent: This query has both local and non- local intent. Users may want to shop online or visit a store nearby.

Landing page link: LP

The dominant interpretation of this query is the Target store and this is the official page of Target.

Query: [target], English (US)

Explicit LocationNone

User Location: Keizer, Oregon

User Intent: This query has both local and non- local intent. Users may want to shop online or visit a store nearby.

Landing page link:

The dominant interpretation of this query is the Target store and this is the official page of Target.

The LP of target.com is V for this query even when the rating task has a user location.

Landing page link:

This LP has the address, phone number and hours for the Target store in Keizer, Oregon. This result is very helpful for users who want to visit the store.

Query: [target keizer], English (US)

Explicit Locationkeizer

User Location: None

User Intent: This query has local intent. The explicit location (keizer) tells us that users are looking for the Keizer location of Target.

Landing page link:

The explicit location (keizer) tells us that users are looking for the Keizer location of Target. This LP is the official page for the Target store in Keizer, Oregon.

Query, Explicit and User Locations, User Intent

LP of the Result Block, Result Block, Utility Rating


Query: [minimum wage rate], English (US) Explicit LocationNone User Location: Wichita, Kansas

User Intent: Find out what the minimum wage is. Different states in the US have different minimum wage rates. Users might be interested in the minimum wage in their state and how it compares to other places.

Landing page link: LP

This is the official Kansas state website page on minimum wage for Kansas.

Landing page link: LP

This LP has the minimum wage rates for all states. It is on the official US Department of Labor website.

Landing page link: LP

This is the official California state website page on minimum wage for California.

Query: [pictures of kittens]

English (US)

Explicit LocationNone

User Location:

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

User Intent: Users are looking for pictures of kittens. This is a non-local intent query. There is no obvious user intent to find pictures of kittens in Pittsburgh. The user location plays no role in the utility rating.

Landing page link: LP

The LP is a page full of kitten pictures. The result block has a nice assortment of pictures as well.

Landing page link:

This is a local listing of pets needing homes in the Pittsburgh area. There are no pictures of any pets directly on this page and few pictures on the individual listings.

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