FTP Server (vsftpd)

FTP Server (vsftpd)

This section discusses the vsftpd server as supplied by Red Hat.


Install the following package:

  • vsftpd

Run chkconfig to cause vsftpd to start when the system enters multiuser mode.

# /sbin/chkconfig vsftpd on

Start vsftpd:

# /sbin/service vsftpd start

If you change the vsftpd.conf configuration file, you need to restart vsftpd.


The vsftpd server can run in normal mode (the xinetd daemon [page ] calls vsftpd each time a client tries to make a connection) or it can run in stand-alone mode (vsftpd runs as a daemon and handles connections directly).

Stand-alone mode

Although by default vsftpd runs in normal mode, Red Hat sets it up to run in stand-alone mode by setting the listen parameter (page ) to YES in the vsftpd.conf file. Under CentOS Linux, with vsftpd running in stand-alone mode, you start and stop the server using service and the vsftpd init script.

Normal mode

You must install an xinetd control file (page ) if you want to run vsftpd in normal mode. A sample file can be found at /usr/share/doc/vsftpd*/vsftpd.xinetd. Copy the sample file to the /etc/xinetd.d directory, rename it vsftpd, and edit the file to change the disable parameter to no. With the listen parameter in vsftpd.conf set to NO, xinetd will take care of starting vsftpd as needed.


The safest policy is not to allow users to authenticate against FTP: Use FTP for anonymous access only. If you do allow local users to authenticate and upload files to the server, be sure to put local users in a chroot jail (page ). Because FTP sends usernames and passwords in cleartext, a malicious user can easily (page ) them. With a username and password, the same user can impersonate a local user, upload a Trojan horse (page ), and compromise the system.


An FTP server normally uses TCP port 21. If the FTP server system is running a firewall, you need to open this port. Using the Red Hat graphical firewall tool (page ), select FTP from the Trusted Services frame to open this port. For more general information see , which details iptables.


When SELinux is set to use a targeted policy, FTP is protected by SELinux. You can disable this protection if necessary. For more information refer to "" on page .

JumpStart: Starting a vsftpd Server

By default, under CentOS Linux vsftpd allows local and anonymous users to log in on the server and does not set up a guest account. When someone logs in as an anonymous user, that person is working in the /var/ftp directory. You do not have to configure anything.

Testing the Setup

Make sure vsftpd is working by logging in from the system running the server. You can refer to the server as localhost or by using its hostname on the command line. Log in as anonymous; use any password.

$ ftp localhost
Connected to localhost.localdomain.
220 (vsFTPd 2.0.4)
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type
Name (bravo:alex): anonymous
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.

If you are not able to connect to the server, first make sure the server is running:

$ /sbin/service vsftpd status
vsftpd (pid 3091) is running...

Next check that permissions on /var/ftp, or the home directory of ftp as specified in /etc/passwd, are set to 755. If the ftp user can write to /var/ftp, connections will fail.

# ls -ld /var/ftp
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Aug 27 23:54 /var/ftp

Once you are able to log in from the local system, log in from another systemeither one on the LAN or another system with access to the server. On the command line, use the hostname from within the LAN or the FQDN (page ) from outside the LAN. The dialog should appear the same as in the previous example. If you cannot log in from a system that is not on your LAN, use ping (page ) to test the connection and make sure the firewall is set up to allow FTP access. See "" on page for a discussion of active and passive modes and the ports that each mode uses.

vsftpd.conf: The vsftpd Configuration File

The configuration file for vsftpd, /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf, lists Boolean, numeric, and string name-value pairs of configuration parameters, called directives. Each name-value pair is joined by an equal sign with no SPACEs on either side. CentOS Linux provides a well-commented /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf file that changes many of the compiled-in defaults. This section covers most of the options, noting their default values and their values as specified in the vsftpd.conf file supplied with CentOS Linux.

Set Boolean options to YES or NO and numeric options to a nonnegative integer. Octal numbers, which are useful for setting umask options, must have a leading 0 (zero). Numbers without a leading zero are treated as base 10 numbers. Following are examples from vsftpd.conf of setting each type of option:


Descriptions of the directives are broken into the following groups:

  • Stand-alone mode (page )

  • Logging in (page )

  • Working directory and the chroot jail (page )

  • Downloading and uploading files (page )

  • Messages (page )

  • Display (page )

  • Logs (page )

  • Connection parameters (page )

Stand-Alone Mode

Refer to "" on page for a discussion of normal and stand-alone modes. This section describes the parameters that affect stand-alone mode.


YES runs vsftpd in stand-alone mode; NO runs it in normal mode.

Default: NO

Red Hat: YES


In stand-alone mode, specifies the IP address of the local interface that vsftpd listens on for incoming connections. When not set, vsftpd uses the default network interface.

Default: none


In stand-alone mode, specifies the port that vsftpd listens on for incoming connections.

Default: 21


In stand-alone mode, specifies the maximum number of clients. Zero (0) indicates unlimited clients.

Default: 0


In stand-alone mode, specifies the maximum number of clients from the same IP address. Zero (0) indicates unlimited clients from the same IP address.

Default: 0

Logging In

Three classes of users can log in on a vsftpd server: anonymous, local, and guest. The guest user is rarely used and is not covered in this chapter. Local users log in with their system username and password. Anonymous users log in with anonymous or ftp, using their email address as a password. You can control whether each of these classes of users can log in on the server and what they can do once they log in. You can also specify what a local user can do on a per-user basis; refer to user_config_dir on page .

Local Users


The /etc/vsftpd/user_list file (page ), or another file specified by userlist_file, contains a list of zero or more users. YES consults this list and takes action based on userlist_deny, either granting or denying users in the list permission to log in on the server. To prevent the transmission of cleartext passwords, access is denied immediately after the user enters her username. NO does not consult the list. For a more secure system, set to NO.

Default: NO

Red Hat: YES


YES prevents users listed in /etc/vsftpd/user_list (page ) from logging in on the server. NO allows only users listed in /etc/vsftpd/user_list to log in on the server. Use userlist_file to change the name of the file that this parameter consults. This parameter is checked only when userlist_enable is set to YES.

Default: YES


The name of the file consulted when userlist_enable is set to YES.

Default: /etc/vsftpd/user_list


YES permits local users (users listed in /etc/passwd) to log in on the server.

Default: NO

Red Hat: YES

Anonymous Users


YES allows anonymous logins.

Default: YES


YES skips asking anonymous users for passwords.

Default: NO


YES checks whether the password (email address) that an anonymous user enters is listed in /etc/vsftpd/banned_emails or other file specified by banned_email_file. If it is, the user is not allowed to log in on the system. NO does not perform this check. Using iptables (page ) to block specific hosts is generally more productive than using this parameter.

Default: NO


The name of the file consulted when deny_email_enable is set to YES.

Default: /etc/vsftpd/banned_emails

Working Directory and the chroot Jail

When a user logs in on a vsftpd server, standard filesystem access permissions control which directories and files the user can access and how the user can access them. Three basic parameters control a user who is logged in on a vsftpd server:

  • User ID (UID)

  • Initial working directory

  • Root directory

By default, the vsftpd server sets the user ID of a local user to that user's username and sets the user ID of an anonymous user to ftp. A local user starts in her home directory and an anonymous user starts in /var/ftp.

By default, anonymous users are placed in a chroot jail for security; local users are not. For example, when an anonymous user logs in on a vsftpd server, his home directory is /var/ftp. All that user sees, however, is that his home directory is /. The user sees the directory at /var/ftp/upload as /upload. The user cannot see, or work with, for example, the /home, /usr/local, or /tmp directories. The user is in a chroot jail. For more information refer to "" on page .

You can use the chroot_local_user option to put each local user in a chroot jail whose root is the user's home directory. You can use chroot_list_enable to put selected local users in chroot jails.


Upon login, YES checks whether a local user is listed in /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list (page ) or another file specified by chroot_list_file.

When a user is in the list and chroot_local_user is set to NO, the user is put in a chroot jail in his home directory. Only users listed in /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list are put in chroot jails.

When a user is in the list and chroot_local_user is set to YES, that user is not put in a chroot jail. Users not listed in /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list are put in chroot jails.

Default: NO


See chroot_list_enable. Set to NO for a more open system, but remember to add new users to the chroot_list_file as needed when you add users to the system. Set to YES for a more secure system. New users are automatically restricted unless you add them to chroot_list_file.

Default: NO


The name of the file consulted when chroot_list_enable is set to YES.

Default: /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list


YES enables you to change the location of the chroot jail that the chroot_list_enable and chroot_local_user settings impose on a local user.

The location of the chroot jail can be moved up the directory structure by including a /./ within the home directory string for that user in /etc/passwd. This change has no effect on the standard system login, just as a cd. command has no effect on the working directory.

For example, changing the home directory field in /etc/passwd (page ) for Sam from /home/sam to /home/./sam allows Sam to cd to /home after logging in using vsftpd. Given the proper permissions, Sam can now view files and possibly collaborate with another user.

Default: NO


The name of an empty directory that is not writable by the user ftp. The vsftpd server uses this directory as a secure chroot jail when the user does not need access to the filesystem.

Default: /usr/share/empty


After a local user logs in on the server, this directory becomes the user's working directory. No error results if the specified directory does not exist.

Default: none

Downloading and Uploading Files

By default, any userwhether local or anonymouscan download files from the vsftpd server, assuming proper filesystem access and permissions. You must change write_enable from NO (default) to YES to permit local users to upload files. By default, local_umask is set to 022, giving uploaded files 644 permissions (page ).


Refer to "" on page for information on the security hole that is created when you allow local users to upload files.

The following actions set up vsftpd to allow anonymous users to upload files:

  1. Set write_enable (page ) to YES.

  2. Create a directory under /var/ftp that an anonymous user can write to but not read from (mode 333). You do not want a malicious user to be able to see, download, modify, and upload a file that another user originally uploaded. The following commands create a /var/ftp/uploads directory that anyone can write to but no one can read from:

    # mkdir /var/ftp/uploads
    # chmod 333 /var/ftp/uploads

    Because of the security risk, vsftpd prevents anonymous connections when an anonymous user (ftp) can write to /var/ftp.

  3. Set anon_upload_enable (page ) to YES.

  4. See the other options in this section.

Download/Upload for Local Users


The umask (page ) setting for local users.

Default: 077

Red Hat: 022


Uploaded file permissions for local users. The umask (page ) is applied to this value. Change to 0777 to make uploaded files executable.

Default: 0666


YES permits users to create and delete files and directories (assuming appropriate filesystem permissions). NO prevents users from making changes to the filesystem.

Default: NO

Red Hat: YES

Anonymous Users


YES permits an anonymous user to create new directories when write_enable=YES and the anonymous user has permission to write to the parent directory.

Default: NO


YES grants an anonymous user write permission in addition to the permissions granted by anon_mkdir_write_enable and anon_upload_enable. For example, YES allows an anonymous user to delete and rename files, assuming permission to write to the parent directory. Not recommended for secure sites.

Default: NO


After an anonymous user logs in on the server, this directory becomes the user's working directory. No error results if the specified directory does not exist.

Default: none


The umask (page ) setting for anonymous users. The default setting gives only anonymous users access to files uploaded by anonymous users; set to 022 to give everyone read access to these files.

Default: 077


YES allows anonymous users to upload files when write_enable=YES and the anonymous user has permission to write to the directory.

Default: NO


YES limits the files that a user can download to those that are readable by the owner of the file, members of the group the file is associated with, and others. It may not be desirable to allow one anonymous user to download a file that another anonymous user uploaded. Setting this parameter to YES can avoid this scenario.

Default: YES


YES allows a user to download files using ASCII mode. Setting this parameter to YES can create a security risk (page ).

Default: NO


YES allows a user to upload files using ASCII mode (page ).

Default: NO


YES causes files uploaded by anonymous users to be owned by root (or another user specified by chown_username).

Default: NO


See chown_uploads.

Default: root


The username of anonymous users.

Default: ftp


The name of the user with minimal privileges, as used by vsftpd. To enhance security, because other programs use nobody, replace nobody with the name of a dedicated user such as ftp.

Default: nobody


You can replace the standard greeting banner that vsftpd displays when a user logs in on the system (banner_file and ftpd_banner). You can also display a message each time a user enters a directory (dirmessage_enable and message_file). When you set dirmessage_enable=YES, each time a user enters a directory using cd, vsftpd displays the contents of the file in that directory named .message (or other file specified by message_file).


YES displays .message or another file specified by message_file as an ftp user enters a new directory by giving a cd command.

Default: NO

Red Hat: YES


See dirmessage_enable.

Default: .message


The absolute pathname of the file that is displayed when a user connects to the server. Overrides ftpd_banner.

Default: none


This string overrides the standard vsftpd greeting banner displayed when a user connects to the server.

Default: none; uses standard vsftpd banner


This section describes parameters that can improve security and performance by controlling how vsftpd displays information.


YES lists all users and groups in directory listings as ftp. NO lists the real owners.

Default: NO


NO causes ps to display the process running vsftpd as vsftpd. YES causes ps to display what vsftpd is currently doing (uploading and so on). Set to NO to provide a more secure system.

Default: NO


NO improves performance by displaying numeric UIDs and GIDs in directory listings. YES displays names.

Default: NO


NO causes ls, mls, and modtime FTP commands to display UTC (page ); YES causes these commands to display the local time.

Default: NO


YES permits users to give ls R commands. Setting this parameter to YES may pose a security risk because giving an ls R command at the top of a large directory hierarchy can consume a lot of system resources.

Default: NO


By default, logging is turned off. However, the vsftpd.conf file distributed with CentOS Linux turns it on. This section describes parameters that control the details and locations of logs.


YES logs FTP requests and responses, provided that xferlog_std_format is set to NO.

Default: NO


YES maintains a transfer log in /var/log/vsftpd.log (or another file specified by xferlog_file). NO does not create a log.

Default: NO

Red Hat: YES


YES causes a transfer log (not covering connections) to be written in standard xferlog format, as used by wu-ftpd, as long as xferlog_file is explicitly set. The default vsftpd log format is more readable than xferlog format, but it cannot be processed by programs that generate statistical summaries of xferlog files. Search for xferlog on the Internet for more information.

Default: NO

Red Hat: YES



xferlog_enable and xferlog_std_format.



Connection Parameters

You can allow clients to establish passive and/or active connections (page ). Setting timeouts and maximum transfer rates can improve server security and performance. This section describes parameters that control the types of connections that a client can establish, the length of time vsftpd will wait while establishing a connection, and the speeds of connections for different types of users.

Passive (PASV) Connections


NO prevents the use of PASV connections.

Default: YES


NO causes PASV to perform a security check that ensures that the data and control connections originate from a single IP address. YES disables this check; it is not recommended for a secure system.

Default: NO


The highest port number that vsftpd will allocate for a PASV data connection; useful in setting up a firewall.

Default: 0 (use any port)


The lowest port number that vsftpd will allocate for a PASV data connection; useful in setting up a firewall.

Default: 0 (use any port)


Specifies an IP address other than the one used by the client to contact the server.

Default: none; the address is the one used by the client

Active (PORT) Connections


NO prevents the use of PORT connections.

Default: YES


NO causes PORT to perform a security check that ensures that outgoing data connections connect only to the client. YES disables this check; it is not recommended for a secure system.

Default: NO


YES specifies port 20 (ftp-data, a privileged port) on the server for PORT connections, as required by some clients. NO allows vsftpd to run with fewer privileges (on a nonprivileged port).

Default: NO

Red Hat: YES


With connect_from_port_20 set to NO, specifies the port that vsftpd uses for PORT connections.

Default: 20



The number of seconds the server waits for a client to establish a PASV data connection.

Default: 60


The number of seconds the server waits for a client to respond to a PORT data connection.

Default: 60


The number of seconds the server waits for a stalled data transfer to resume before disconnecting.

Default: 300


The number of seconds the server waits between FTP commands before disconnecting.

Default: 300


For local users, the maximum data transfer rate in bytes per second. Zero (0) indicates no limit.

Default: 0


For anonymous users, the maximum data transfer rate in bytes per second. Zero indicates no limit.

Default: 0


YES establishes one process per connection, which improves performance but degrades security. NO allows multiple processes per connection. NO is recommended for a more secure system.

Default: NO


This section describes parameters not discussed elsewhere.


The name of the PAM service used by vsftpd.

Default: ftp

Red Hat: vsftpd


YES causes incoming connections to use tcp_wrappers (page ) if vsftpd was compiled with tcp_wrappers support. When tcp_wrappers sets the environment variable VSFTPD_LOAD_CONF, vsftpd loads the configuration file specified by this variable, allowing per-IP configuration.

Default: NO

Red Hat: YES


Specifies a directory that contains files named for local users. Each of these files, which mimic vsftpd.conf, contains parameters that override, on a per-user basis, default parameters and parameters specified in vsftpd.conf. For example, assume that user_config_dir is set to /etc/vsftpd/user_conf. If the default configuration file, /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf, sets idlesession_timeout=300 and Sam's individual configuration file, /etc/vsftpd/user_conf/sam, sets idlesession_timeout=1200, all users' sessions, except for Sam's, will time out after 300 seconds of inactivity. Sam's sessions will time out after 1,200 seconds.

Default: none


In addition to /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf, the following files control the functioning of vsftpd. The directory hierarchy that user_config_dir points to is not included in this list as it has no default name.


Lists users, one per line, who are never allowed to log in on the FTP server, regardless of how userlist_enable (page ) is set and regardless of the users listed in the user_list file. The default file lists root, bin, daemon, and others.


Lists either the only users who can log in on the server or the users who are not allowed to log in on the server. The userlist_enable (page ) option must be set to YES for vsftpd to examine the list of users in this file. Setting userlist_enable to YES and userlist_deny (page ) to YES (or not setting it) prevents listed users from logging in on the server. Setting userlist_enable to YES and userlist_deny to NO permits only the listed users to log in on the server.


Depending on the chroot_list_enable (page ) and chroot_local_user (page ) settings, this file lists either users who are forced into a chroot jail in their home directories or users who are not placed in a chroot jail.


Log file. For more information refer to "" on page .