Vital (V)

The Vital (V) rating is used for these very special situations:

• There is a dominant interpretation and clear user intent to navigate to a specific website or webpage, and the LP is exactly what the user is looking for.

• The dominant interpretation of the query is an entity (such as a person, place, business, restaurant, product, company, organization, etc.), and the LP is the official webpage associated with that entity.

In both cases, the query must have a dominant interpretation. If there is no dominant interpretation, it is not possible to assign a V rating.

The V rating is based on the LP of the title link. Result blocks with no title link (NTRBs) cannot receive the V rating. Most V pages are very helpful; however, this is not a requirement for a V rating. Some V pages are "official," but not

very helpful.

To give a V rating, the landing page and website must "work" - the LP must load, function, and be maintained. Finally, when in doubt, don't use the V rating.

Go Queries with Vital (V) Pages
Entity Queries with Vital Pages
Queries with No Vital Result
Vital Pages for People Queries
Vital pages for URL queries
Vital Pages and Geographic Location

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