Spelling Suggestion Result Blocks

When a user misspells or mistypes a query, search engines may display spelling suggestions.

Users rely on "Did you mean" or "Do you mean" suggestions to tell them when they might be spelling something incorrectly and as a way to get better search result pages. "Did you mean" type result blocks are NTRBs, but they do have a prominent link to a page of search results for the spelling suggestion.

Your utility rating should reflect both the helpfulness of the suggestion itself and the helpfulness of the LP of the suggestion. For every spelling suggestion, please be sure to look at the suggestion and click through to the landing page of the suggestion before rating. Sometimes, you will find it helpful to compare the landing page of the suggestion to the landing page of the original query.

Here is some specific guidance on assigning utility ratings to spelling suggestion result blocks:


Use this rating when:

Vital (V)

Do not use the V rating for spelling suggestion result blocks.

Useful (U)

The result is very helpful for many or most users because:

• The query is clearly and severely misspelled.

• The spelling suggestion is very likely or exactly what users are looking for.

• The landing page of the suggestion is very helpful.

Relevant (R)

The result is very helpful for some users or helpful for many users because:

• The query is likely or very likely misspelled.

• The spelling suggestion is the correct spelling for a likely or somewhat likely intent of the original query.

• The landing page of the suggestion is helpful.

Slightly Relevant (SR)

The result is helpful for few users. One or more of the following apply:

• It is likely that the query is not misspelled.

• The spelling suggestion represents an unlikely interpretation.

• The spelling suggestion is trivial, such as adding or deleting a space which makes little difference to the query and/or the results on the landing page of the suggestion.

• The landing page of the suggestion is less helpful.

Off-Topic/Useless (O)

The result is unhelpful or useless. One or more of the following apply:

• The query is clearly not misspelled.

• The spelling suggestion itself is misspelled.

• The spelling suggestion changes the meaning of the query.

• The spelling suggestion is clearly not what the user is looking for.

• The spelling suggestion is offensive (such as uninvited porn, racial slur, etc.)

• The landing page of the suggestion is unhelpful, i.e., the results are useless for the original query.

Query and Query Interpretations

LP of the Query, LP of the Spelling Suggestion, Utility Rating


[irratated], English (US) This query has one

reasonable interpretation: the word "irritated."

Landing page link of the original query: LP

Landing page link of the spelling suggestion: LP

The query is clearly misspelled. The suggestion is the correct spelling of the query, and the LP of the suggestion is very helpful.

Query and Query Interpretations

LP of the Query, LP of the Spelling Suggestion, Utility Rating


["jack angle" scrap metal] , English (US)

This query has one interpretation: Jack Engle

& Co., a scrap metal company in Los Angeles.

Landing page link of the original query: LP

Landing page link of the spelling suggestion: LP

The query is clearly misspelled. The suggestion is the correct spelling of the query, and the LP of the suggestion is very helpful.

[imetrex], English (US) This query has one

interpretation: the drug for treating migraine


Landing page link of the original query: LP

Landing page link of the spelling suggestion: LP

The query is clearly misspelled. The suggestion is the correct spelling of the query, and the LP of the suggestion is very helpful.

[utube], English (US) This query has one

reasonable interpretation: the youtube.com website.

Landing page link of the original query: LP

Landing page link of the spelling suggestion: LP

The query is clearly misspelled. The suggestion is the correct spelling of the query, and the LP of the suggestion is very helpful.

[culcable], English (US)

The query is misspelled or mistyped. The most likely interpretation is the word "culpable," though perhaps this could be a misspelling of a type of cable.

Landing page link of the original query: LP

Landing page link of the spelling suggestion: LP

The query is misspelled. The suggestion is the correct spelling of a likely or very likely interpretation, and the LP of the suggestion is very helpful.

[vanilla cupcake mix make 1 cup cake], English (US)

The meaning of the query is clear.

There is a misspelling or typo: cupcake is the correct spelling.

Landing page link of the original query: LP

Landing page link of the spelling suggestion: LP

The query has a mild misspelling and the spelling suggestion is technically correct.

The results on the LP of the suggestion are similar to the results for the original query.

[one persons wealth raises the value of money]

The meaning of the query is clear.

There is a misspelling or typo: "persons" should be written "person's".

Landing page link of the original query: LP
Landing page link of the spelling suggestion:

The query has a misspelling and the spell suggestion is technically correct.

The results on the LP of the suggestion are similar to the results for the original query.

Query and Query Interpretations

LP of the Query, LP of the Spelling Suggestion, Utility Rating


[twilight new moon sound track]

The query intent is clear. There is a possible mild

misspelling. "Soundtrack"

is the more common and possibly preferred


Landing page link of the original query: LP

Landing page link of the spelling suggestion: LP

"Soundtrack" may be the more common and preferred spelling, but "sound track" is not technically incorrect.

The LP of the suggestion is perhaps a bit more helpful than the LP for the original query.

This suggestion is helpful for some or few users.

[cynderella], English (US) There are several

interpretations for the query as spelled, including a bridal shop, entertainment agency, a cake company, etc.

Landing page link of the original query: LP

Landing page link of the spelling suggestion: LP

It is likely that the query is not misspelled. The results on the landing page of the suggestion probably do not match the intent of the original query.

However, this suggestion could be helpful for a few users.

[he likes me a lot but doesn't want to get hurt], English (US)

This query is not misspelled.

Landing page link of the original query: LP

Landing page link of the spelling suggestion: LP

The suggestion is misspelled even though the original query is not.

[girl in pink dress plays outside], English (US)

This query is not misspelled.

Landing page link of the original query: LP

Landing page link of the spelling suggestion: LP

The original query is clearly spelled correctly. This suggestion is useless.

[how shades are cut], English (US)

This query is not misspelled.

Landing page link of the original query: LP

Landing page link of the spelling suggestion: LP

The query is clearly not misspelled. The suggestion changes the meaning of the query.

[people can take a wall and turn it into a tv], English (US)

This query is not misspelled.

Landing page link of the original query: LP

Landing page link of the spelling suggestion: LP

The query is clearly not misspelled. The suggestion changes the meaning of the query.

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