Relevant (R)

A rating of Relevant is assigned to results that are helpful for many users or very helpful for some users.

R results have fewer valuable attributes than U results. R results should still "fit" the query, but they might be less comprehensive, less up-to-date, come from a less authoritative source, or cover only one important aspect of the query.

R results should not be low quality, out-of-date, or inaccurate. R results are average to good.

The R rating can apply to non-title link result blocks (NTRBs) as well. A NTRB may not be highly satisfying in some way, or it may serve a minor interpretation.

Examples of Relevant (R) Pages

Query and User Intent

LP of the Result Block, Result Block, Utility Rating


[map of seoul, korea], English (US)

Travel to Seoul; find current information about the city.

Landing page link: LP

Page with a map of the city of Seoul. This page would be helpful for some users.

There are many, many maps of Seoul with more detailed information covering a wider area of the city. This page is not helpful enough for a rating of U.

[Tom Cruise], English (US)

Find biographical information or current news/celebrity gossip about Tom Cruise.

Landing page link:

A page of information about Tom Cruise. This page would be helpful for many users or very helpful for some users.

There are many, many pages about Tom Cruise.

This page is not helpful enough for a rating of U.

[abe lincoln's birthday], English (US)

Find this specific piece of information.

Landing page link: LP

Wikipedia page that displays the birthdays of all US presidents, including the birthday of Abraham Lincoln. However, Lincoln's birthday is not prominently displayed.

[every breath you take lyrics], English (US)

Find the lyrics to the song "Every Breath You Take," which was written by Sting. This is a Know query.

Landing page link:

Page on a lyrics website with the requested lyrics. There are many lyrics websites on the web. Often, pages with lyrics are not 100% accurate. R is an appropriate rating for average pages with the requested lyrics.

Query and User Intent

LP of the Result Block, Result Block, Utility Rating


[latin dance video], English (US)

Find a Latin dance video to watch. There are many good, entertaining, and popular Latin dance videos on video websites. Users are looking for good or entertaining Latin dance videos.

Landing page:

Please visit the LP to watch the video

There are many, many Latin dance videos. This video is entertaining and the dancers are good, but there are many non-professional videos of talented amateur dancers.

[Nicaraguan money], English (US)

Find out what Nicaraguan currency is called, what it looks like, the exchange rate, etc.

This is a NTRB. While it gives some basic information and is helpful, it is not highly satisfying. For example, it doesn't show what the currency looks like.

[mercury], English (US)

Find information about the Mercury car brand, the planet, or the chemical element.

This is a NTRB. It helps users understand some different meanings of the word "Mercury," and the links lead to these SERPs: Element LP
Planet LP
However, it is missing at least one common interpretation: the car brand.

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