WinRAR Switch -IICON<name> - specify SFX icon
Switch -IICON<name> - specify SFX icon
Specify an icon to use in the created or updated SFX archive. The <name> parameter is a name of .ico file. You must not compress SFX module by any third party executable compressors if you are going to use -iicon.
This switch is the command line equivalent of "Load SFX icon from the file" option in SFX options: Text and icon dialog.
- add contents of c:\myfiles folder to setup.exe SFX archive and use c:\myicons\ver1.ico as SFX icon
WinRAR a -sfx -iiconc:\myicons\ver1.ico setup.exe c:\myfiles
- replace an icon in the already existing SFX archive setup.exe with ver2.ico stored in the current folder
WinRAR s -iiconver2.ico setup.exe