WinRAR SFX options: License

SFX options: License

This dialog is a part of the and includes the following settings:

Title of license window

Set the specified text as a title of the license window.

Corresponding command -

License text

Display the specified text as software license when starting SFX. User may either accept it and continue extraction or decline and quit.

License may be either in HTML or plain text format. In the latter case SFX module merges and reformats the specified text strings to fit them optimally into the dialog. So if you wish to start a new paragraph, you need to put the empty string before it.

Using HTML you may control colors, fonts and formatting of displayed text. Description of HTML syntax is available on The World Wide Web Consortium site. Also it is possible to use any web page editor program to prepare HTML text.

Corresponding command - .

Load text from file

Load contents of selected file as license text.