Microsoft Expedia Streets & Trips 2000 It's all you need to travel-across town or across country. Microsoft Expedia Streets & Trips 2000 is complete street maps and travel planning in one!

Microsoft Expedia Streets & Trips 2000 provides accurate U.S. address-to-address routing instructions, detailed city maps, plus comprehensive North American travel-planning resources-all in one.

Own the road wherever you go!

Product Screen Shot
  • New! 6 million+ miles of North American road and highway information from Geographic Technologies, Inc. and Navigation Technologies.
  • New! Address-to-address maps and directions simplify any trip-across town or across the country.
  • New! Snap-Routing lets you drag and drop your route to the roads you want.
  • New! 10,000+ Web Links offer online access to the latest road construction and weather information.
  • New! Printing options include strip map and directions, turn-by-turn maps and directions, directions only, or route overview.
  • New! Thousands of new and updated reviews and listings from leading travel authorities include:
  • - 25,000+ Expedia hotel listings-many with online reservations
    - 300,000+ infoUSA business listings
    - 14,000+ ZAGATSURVEY restaurant surveys
    - 12,000+ Moon Travel Handbooks articles
    - 9,500+ Woodall's campground listings
    - 7,000+ Interstate America exit and rest areas
    - 2,500+ beautiful photographs and travel images

Top-Line System Requirements

Multimedia PC with Pentium-class processor
Operating System
Windows 95, Windows 98 or later or Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or later (will not run on earlier versions)
120 MB-170 MB of available hard-disk space (170 MB required if Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 or later is not already installed and Microsoft Data Access Components 2.1 is not already installed)
24 MB of RAM for Windows 95 or Windows 98 (32 MB of RAM recommended)
32 MB of RAM for Windows NT Workstation 4.0
Double-speed CD-ROM or faster
Super VGA, 256-color monitor
Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 (included) or later; users can maintain other default browsers after installation; for Windows NT Workstation 4.0, Service Pack 3 is required

For Online Features
Internet access to online features and functionality requires an Internet service provider (ISP), which may require payment of a separate fee, and browser software (Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 provided). All software required is included in Expedia Streets & Trips 2000. Compatible with all Windows-compatible ISPs.