Benchmarking Portions of Your Application Code


When trying to isolate performance problems, it's not always obvious where the bottleneck in your code is. You want a way to benchmark portions of your application code, whether in a model, view, or controller.


You can use the benchmark class method of your model inside a controller to benchmark a block of code. For example:


class ReportsController < ApplicationController
 def show
 Report.benchmark "Code Benchmark (in controller)" do
 # potentially expensive controller code

Each call to benchmark takes a required title parameter you use to identify and distinguish it from other benchmarks when viewing the results in your logs.

Your models can use the same method:


class Report < ActiveRecord::Base
 def generate
 Report.benchmark("Code Benchmark (in model)") do
 # potentially expensive model code

In your views, you have the benchmark view helper, which you can use to wrap code in your views, such as rendered partials. For example:


<h1>Show Reports</h1>
<% benchmark "Code Benchmark (in view)" do -%>
 <%= render :partial => "expensive_partial" %>
<% end -%>


As the solution demonstrates, benchmark takes an identifying title parameter as well as two other optional parameters; the log level at which the benchmarks should run, and whether normal logging of the code being benchmarked should be silenced or not. The method signature looks like:

benchmark(title, log_level = Logger::DEBUG, use_silence = true) {|| ...} 

The log level defaults to DEBUG, which keeps the benchmarking from happening in production mode, by default and use_silence defaults to TRue. The output from all three calls in the solution show up in your logs as follows:

Processing ReportsController#show (for at 2006-09-05 08:24:08) 
 Session ID: b16b2b7987619da67dde11f5d9105981
 Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "controller"=>"reports"}
Code Benchmark (in controller) (4.20695)
Rendering reports/show
Code Benchmark (in model) (1.00295)
Code Benchmark (in view) (1.00482)
Completed in 5.23700 (0 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 1.02216 (19%) | 
 DB: 0.00000 (0%) | 200 OK [http://localhost/reports/show]

See Also