Style Manager by X05

styler-manager 0.98 ( Rev 4 ) for RadASM

Code by X05
Date: 03.10.2002
Rev: 4
Complete: 98%

Copy style-manager.dll to \RadASM\AddIns
then add:


to section of RadASM.ini, replace x with next unused number.
Replace y with number.

0 = default window position
1 = not used yet
2 = 400 x 600
4 = 600 x 600

This is a RadASM AddIn that allows the user to change window and control styles from a list.
When the user selects a new style the DWORD value is updated.
What ever value is in the DWORD box is used when the user clicks OK.

- Tab Control
- Transparent Icons in Tab Control
- Styles & ExStyles
- Tools drop down button
- Style presets (Shows correct preset for selected object)
- Clear list selections
- Manual DWORD entry
- Copy Window style names selected to clipboard
- Copy Window style DWORD to clipboard
- Efficient use of space when storing string names + flag values
- Support for: STATIC, EDIT, BUTTON, LISTBOX, COMBOBOX, Listview, Treeview, Tab Control, Progress Bar, Status Bar, Up Down Control, TrackBar, Toolbar, Header Control, Spreadsheet, Custom Control
- Owner Draw Listbox with colour for items with 0 value

Known Issues
- LBS_MULTIPLESEL causes LBN_SELCHANGE to act differently. (ODA_FOCUS?)
- WS_GROUPBOX (contains more than 1 style) style is not shown
- Styles values that are not in list can be hi-lighted incorrectly, when user clicks update

To do
1. SELCHANGE listbox notification problem
2. Fix wrong style listbox selections (WS_GROUPBOX)
3. Right click > Copy flag name / Copy flag value / Copy flag name + flag value
4. Colour to show which styles names contain multiple styles