
Design Techniques and Coding Standards for J2EE Projects


As J2EE apps tend to be large and complex, it's vital that we follow sound OO design practice, adopt consistent coding conventions, and leverage existing investment – whether our own or that of third parties. In this chapter we'll look at each of these important areas in turn. The first two concern code quality, at object-design and code level. What are we trying to achieve? What is good code? These are a few of its characteristics:

It's hard to write code that achieves these goals, although Java arguably gives us more help than any other popular language. I've written and debugged a lot of Java code since I started using the language back in 1996 (and plenty of C and C++ before that) and I'm still learning. I don't pretend that this chapter contains all the answers, and there are many matters of opinion, but hopefully it will provide some guidance and useful food for thought. This is an important area. We must not only ensure that we write code right, but also that we write the right code, taking advantage of existing solutions wherever appropriate. This means that development teams must work closely to avoid duplication of effort, and that architects and lead developers must maintain up-to-date knowledge of third-party solutions such as open source projects.

This chapter, like this tutorial, is focused on J2EE 1.3, and hence J2SE 1.3. However, language and API improvements in J2SE 1.4 are discussed where relevant, as J2SE 1.4 is already available and can even be used with some J2EE 1.3 app servers.
