
J2EE Design and Development

Rod Johnson

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Rod Johnson Commissioning Editor
Craig A. Berry Technical Editors
Kalpana Grade
Niranjan Jahagirdar Project Managers
Cilmara Lion
Abbas Rangwala Author Agent
Nicola Phillips Index
Adrian Axinte
Andrew Criddle
John Collin Proof Reader
Chris Smith Technical Reviewers
Simon Brown
John Carnell
Eric Eicke
Meeraj Kunnumpurath
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David Whitney
Dave Writz Production Coordinators
Abbie Forletta
Manjiri Karande Illustrations
Santosh Haware
Manjiri Karande Cover
Dawn Chellingworth
Natalie O'Donnell About the Author Rod Johnson is an enterprise Java architect specializing in scalable web apps. Rod spent two years designing and delivering a J2EE solution for, Europe's largest business portal, before trekking to Everest Base Camp, parenting a baby, and writing this tutorial. He would like to thank Tristan for providing the toughest of these challenges. Rod completed an arts degree majoring in music and computer science at the University of Sydney. He obtained a PhD in musicology before returning to software development. With a background in C and C++, Rod has worked with both Java and J2EE since their release. He is currently a member of JSR 154 Expert Group defining the Servlet 2.4 specification. Rod has contributed several chapters to other Wrox publications including Professional Java Server Programming (J2EE and J2EE 1.3 versions) and Professional Java Server Pages (2nd version), and is a reviewer for Wrox Press. He has presented at international conferences including Times Java, Mumbai (2001), and his writing has been featured on An Australian, Rod is currently living and working in London. He can be contacted at


Although all authors seem to thank their families, I had no idea how richly such gratitude was deserved until I wrote this tutorial. Above all, I would like to thank my wife, Kerry, for her love and support throughout a lengthy and stressful process. Others to give generous support include my parents-in-law, Don and Dana Jamieson.

Of those who have given practical help, I would like to thank my editor, Craig Berry, for helping me to distill a huge topic into a tutorial; and my former colleague, Dominic Fisher, for his business insight and valuable help in formulating realistic requirements for the sample app.
