Basic authentication is simple and convenient, but it is not secure. It should only be used to prevent unintentional access from nonmalicious parties or used in combination with an encryption technology such as SSL.

Consider the following security flaws:

1.       Basic authentication sends the username and password across the network in a form that can trivially be decoded. In effect, the secret password is sent in the clear, for anyone to read and capture. Base-64 encoding obscures the username and password, making it less likely that friendly parties will glean passwords by accidental network observation. However, given a base 64-encoded username and password, the decoding can be performed trivially by reversing the encoding process. Decoding can even be done in seconds, by hand, with pencil and paper! Base 64-encoded passwords are effectively sent "in the clear." Assume that motivated third parties will intercept usernames and passwords sent by basic authentication. If this is a concern, send all your HTTP transactions over SSL encrypted channels, or use a more secure authentication protocol, such as digest authentication.

2.       Even if the secret password were encoded in a scheme that was more complicated to decode, a third party could still capture the garbled username and password and replay the garbled information to origin servers over and over again to gain access. No effort is made to prevent these replay attacks.

3.       Even if basic authentication is used for noncritical applications, such as corporate intranet access control or personalized content, social behavior makes this dangerous. Many users, overwhelmed by a multitude of password-protected services, share usernames and passwords. A clever, malicious party may capture a username and password in the clear from a free Internet email site, for example, and find that the same username and password allow access to critical online banking sites!

4.       Basic authentication offers no protection against proxies or intermediaries that act as middlemen, leaving authentication headers intact but modifying the rest of the message to dramatically change the nature of the transaction.

5.       Basic authentication is vulnerable to spoofing by counterfeit servers. If a user can be led to believe that he is connecting to a valid host protected by basic authentication when, in fact, he is connecting to a hostile server or gateway, the attacker can request a password, store it for later use, and feign an error.

This all said, basic authentication still is useful for providing convenient personalization or access control to documents in an friendly environment, or where privacy is desired but not absolutely necessary. In this way, basic authentication is used to prevent accidental or casual access by curious users.

Be careful that the username/password in basic authentication is not the same as the password on your more secure systems, or malicious users can use them to break into your secure accounts!

For example, inside a corporation, product management may password-protect future product plans to limit premature distribution. Basic authentication makes it sufficiently inconvenient for friendly parties to access this data. Likewise, you might password-protect personal photos or private web sites that aren't top-secret or don't contain valuable information, but really aren't anyone else's business either.

While not very secure, internal employees of the company usually are unmotivated to maliciously capture passwords. That said, corporate espionage does occur, and vengeful, disgruntled employees do exist, so it is wise to place any data that would be very harmful if maliciously acquired under a stronger security scheme.

Basic authentication can be made secure by combining it with encrypted data transmission (such as SSL) to conceal the username and password from malicious individuals. This is a common technique.

We discuss secure encryption in Chapter 14. The next chapter explains a more sophisticated HTTP authentication protocol, digest authentication, that has stronger security properties than basic authentication.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)