Name Queries

Consider the query [John Stuart], English (US). There is a very famous Jon Stewart, the comedian and host of a popular US television show. But we should not assume that the query [John Stuart] has been misspelled. There are many people named John Stuart. We will respect the query as written and assume the user is looking for someone named "John Stuart".

Query and Query Interpretations

LP of the Result Block, Result Block, PQ Rating, Utility Rating


[Jamie Fox], English (US)

There are many reasonable interpretations for this query including the guitarist named Jamie Fox, Jamie Fox the politician, Jamie Fox Photography, Jamie Fox the actress, and regular people named Jamie Fox.

Helpful results for more prominent people named Jamie Fox should receive higher ratings than helpful results for less prominent people named Jamie Fox.

Because Jamie Foxx is such a famous actor, we will consider Jamie Foxx to be a minor interpretation, not off- topic.

Landing page link: LP

Official homepage of Jamie Fox, the guitarist.

Landing page link: LP

Official homepage of Jamie Fox Photography.

Landing page link:

Wikipedia article about Jamie Fox, the New Jersey politician.

Landing page link: LP

IMDb page about Jamie Fox, the actress.

Query and Query Interpretations

LP of the Result Block, Result Block, PQ Rating, Utility Rating


[Jamie Fox], English (US)

There are many reasonable interpretations for this query.

Because Jamie Foxx is such a famous actor, we will consider Jamie Foxx to be a minor interpretation, not off- topic.

Landing page link: LP

Official homepage of Jamie Foxx, the actor.

[Micheal Jordan], English (US)

There are many people named "Micheal Jordan".

Helpful results for more prominent people named Micheal Jordan should receive higher ratings than helpful results for less prominent people named Micheal Jordan.

Because Michael Jordan is such a famous athlete/celebrity, we will consider Michael Jordan to be a minor interpretation.

Landing page link: LP

LinkedIn page for the name "Micheal Jordan." The page lists all users of the LinkedIn site named "Micheal Jordan." LinkedIn is a very popular t social networking website for professionals in the US. This result would be very helpful for many or most users trying to find information about someone named "Micheal Jordan."

Landing page link:

LinkedIn page for Micheal Jordan, a facilities services professional in Atlanta, Georgia.

Landing page link: LP

Michael Jordan's player profile page on the NBA basketball website.

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