Misspelled and Mistyped Queries

You will notice that some queries are misspelled or mistyped. Here are some examples of queries that are obviously misspelled.

Misspelled Query

Query Interpretation

[federal expres], English (US)

The only reasonable query interpretation is the company named Federal Express.

[my sapce], English (US)

The only reasonable query interpretation is the website MySpace.

[the ecomonist], English (US)

The only reasonable query interpretation is the news and economics publication.

[expdeia], English (US)

The only reasonable query interpretation is the travel website.

[New England Patroits], English US)

The only reasonable interpretation is the NFL football team.

[byonce knowles], English (US)

The only reasonable interpretation is the famous singer/actress, Beyonce Knowles.

Some misspelled or mistyped queries are more difficult to interpret. Use your judgment and do query research.
For obviously misspelled or mistyped queries, you should base your rating on user intent, not necessarily on exactly how the query has been spelled or typed by the user.
For queries that are not obviously misspelled or mistyped, you should respect the query as written and assume users are looking for results for the query as it is spelled.
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