English Language Results

The following rating guidance is for raters in non-English locales. You may stop reading this section if the language spoken in your locale is English!
Your utility ratings need to reflect how helpful the result is for users in your locale.
We know that you can read English (you are reading this document!), but you should only give high utility ratings to English results if users in your locale would expect or desire them. Unless requested by the query, English results should be considered useless if most users in the locale can't read them.

Here are some examples using Korean (KR) as the task language. In Korea, most users don't read English. Unless the query "asks for" English results, we will consider them unhelpful or even useless (OT):

Query and User

LP of the Result Block, Result Block, Utility Rating


[Barack Obama], Korean (KR)

Find information about Barack Obama.

Landing page link: LP

This Korean language Wikipedia page on Barack Obama is very helpful for Korean (KR) users.

Landing page link:

This English Wikipedia article about Barack Obama has similar content to the Korean Wikipedia page. However, very few users would be able to read this page.

(Note: this query does not "ask for" English language results.)

[Titanic 1997], Korean (KR)

Purchase a DVD or find information about the movie "Titanic," released in 1997.

Landing page link:

Although the query was typed in English, most Korean users would expect to see Korean language reviews or Korean stores for purchasing the movie.

This Korean result on a Korean website is very helpful.

Landing page link: LP

This English language landing page has helpful content. However, very few users would be able to read this page.

(Note: this query does not "ask for" English language results.)

In some locales, English is one of the official languages or a commonly spoken language. In these locales, English websites are easy to use and could be helpful (depending on the query).

For example, the Singapore government recognizes four official languages: English, Malay, Chinese, and Tamil, but English is the first and most dominant language in Singapore.

Query and User Intent

LP of the Result Block, Result Block, Utility Rating


[Barack Obama], Chinese_Simplified (SG)

Find information about Barack Obama.

Landing page link: LP

This Wikipedia page in English about Obama would be very helpful to users in Singapore.

Landing page link: LP

This Wikipedia page in Chinese about Obama would also be very helpful to users in Singapore.

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