
number DialogEx.Show (

string DialogName,

boolean ParentCoordinates = true,

number X = nil,

number Y = nil )


Shows a specific dialog in your application at an optional position.

Note: You can show a dialog from a dialog, however you cannot show another instance of a dialog if it is already visible.

Note: You cannot show a dialog while a status dialog is visible.

Tip: You can use the DialogEx.Close action to close the current dialog.



(string) The name of the dialog to show.


(boolean) Whether the dialog position should be relative to the parent window (application or another dialog) or the screen. If X and Y are set to nil, this setting is ignored and the dialog will be centered on the screen.




Position the dialog relative to the parent window (application or dialog). (Default)


Position the dialog relative to the screen.


(number) The optional pixel coordinate (horizontal position) to set for the dialog window. This is the X coordinate of the upper left hand corner of the dialog relative to the screen or parent window, based on the value specified in ParentCoordinates. Set to nil to center the dialog.


(number) The optional Y pixel coordinate (vertical position) to set for the dialog window. This is the Y coordinate of the upper left hand corner of the dialog relative to the screen or parent window, based on the value specified in ParentCoordinates. Set to nil to center the dialog.


(number) The result of the dialog that is passed to the DialogEx.Close action, or IDCANCEL (2) if the user chose to close the dialog using the close button (X on the title bar) on the window. If an error occurs, -1 is returned. You can use Application.GetLastError to determine whether this action failed, and why.


When adding an action with the script editor, you can use this field to specify a variable that the return value will be stored in.

See also: Related Actions